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  • Hertz, U. (2025). Increased complexity of social category markers leads to reduced intergroup bias and diverse rule-based categorizations. Read [here].

Published and In-Press

  • Hertz, U., Köster, R., Janssen, M. A., Leibo, J. Z. (2025). Beyond the matrix: Experimental approaches to studying cognitive agents in social-ecological systems. Cognition, 254, 105993.Read [here] or the accepted version [here].
  • Anlló, H., Salamander, G., Raihani, N., Palminteri, S., Hertz, U. (2024). Experience and advice consequences shape information sharing strategies. Communications Psychology, 2(1), 1–13. Read [here].
  • Kozakevich Arbel, E., Shamay-Tsoory, S. G., Hertz, U. (2024). Adaptive empathic response selection is sensitive to multiple dimensions of social interaction. Communications Psychology, 2(1), 1–14. Read [here].
  • Hertz, U. (2024). A cognitive approach to learning, monitoring, and shifting social norms. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101917. Read [here] or the accepted version [here]
  • Bar-Sella, A., Sayda, D., Mansour, M., Nof, A., Hertz, U., Zilcha-Mano, S. (2024). Changing attachment orientation: Uncovering the role of shifting the emotion regulation tendency. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 71(5), 402–414. [Read]
  • Anlló, H., Bavard, S., Benmarrakchi, F., Bonagura, D., Cerrotti, F., Cicue, M., Gueguen, M., Guzmán, E. J., Kadieva, D., Kobayashi, M., Lukumon, G., Sartorio, M., Yang, J., Zinchenko, O., Bahrami, B., Silva Concha, J., Hertz, U., Konova, A. B., Li, J., … Palminteri, S. (2024). Comparing experience- and description-based economic preferences across 11 countries. Nature Human Behaviour, 8(8), 1554–1567. [Read]
  • Nafcha O., Hertz U., Asymmetric cognitive learning mechanisms underlying the persistence of intergroup bias. Communications Psychology, 2(1), 1–12. [Read]
  • Pereg, M., Hertz, U., Ben-Artzi, I., Shahar, N. (2024). Disentangling the contribution of individual and social learning processes in human advice-taking behavior. NPJ Science of Learning, 9(1), 4.[Journal]
  • Heimer, O., Hertz, U. (2024). The spread of affective and semantic valence representations across states. Cognition, 244, 105714. [Journal],[PDF]
  • Gazit L., Arazy O., Hertz U. (2023). Choosing between human and algorithmic advisors: The role of responsibility sharing. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 100009, 100009. [Journal], [Preprint]
  • Hertz, U., Jia, F., Francis, K. B. (2023). Moral judgement and decision-making: theoretical predictions and null results. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1–3.[Journal].
  • Nissan, N., Hertz, U., Shahar, N., Gabay, Y. (2023). Distinct reinforcement learning profiles distinguish between language and attentional neurodevelopmental disorders. Behavioral and Brain Functions: BBF, 19(1), 6. [Read] [PDF]
  • Heimer, O., Kron, A., Hertz, U. (2023). Temporal dynamics of the semantic versus affective representations of valence during reversal learning. Cognition, 236, 105423. [Read] [PDF]
  • Jiryis, T., Magal, N., Fructher, E., Hertz, U., Admon, R. (2022). Resting-state heart rate variability (HRV) mediates the association between perceived chronic stress and ambiguity avoidance. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17645. [Read]
  • Agassi, O. D., Hertz, U., Shani, R., Derakshan, N., Wiener, A., Okon-Singer, H. (2022). Using clustering algorithms to examine the association between working memory training trajectories and therapeutic outcomes among psychiatric and healthy populations. Psychological Research. [Read]
  • Lachman, I., Hadar, I., Hertz, U. (2022). Cost–benefit considerations have limited effect on the decision to exert cognitive effort in real-world computer-programming tasks. Royal Society Open Science, 9(6), 211885. [Read]
  • Zaatri, S., Aderka, I. M., Hertz, U. (2022). Blend in or stand out: social anxiety levels shape information-sharing strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1975), 20220476. [Read]
  • Nafcha, O., Hertz, U. (2022). Learning: The devil is in the task structure. eLife. [Read]
    This is an insight paper about this nice paper by Rybicki et al. .
  • Hertz, U., Snider, K. L. G., Levy, A., Canetti, D., Gross, M. L. (2022). To shoot or not to shoot: experiments on moral injury in the context of West Bank checkpoints and COVID-19 restrictions enforcement. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(1), 2013651.[Read]
  • Fintz, M., Osadchy, M., Hertz, U. (2022). Using deep learning to predict human decisions and using cognitive models to explain deep learning models. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 4736. [Read]
  • Shamay-Tsoory, S. G., Hertz, U. (2022). Adaptive Empathy: A Model for Learning Empathic Responses in Response to Feedback. Perspectives on Psychological Science: A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 17456916211031926. [Read]
  • Mizrahi, S., Ben-Eliyahu, A., Cohen, N., Hertz, U., Miller-Mor, R., Mishor, E., Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2022). Public management during a crisis: when are citizens willing to contribute to institutional emergency preparedness? Public Management Review, 1–25. [Read]
  • Hertz U.; Learning how to behave: cognitive learning processes account for asymmetries in adaptation to social norms; Porceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021. [Read]
  • Kurvers R.*, Hertz U.*, Karpus J.*, Balode M., Jayles B., Binmore K., Bahrami B. ; How to sway voters: Strategic dishonesty outperforms honesty in competition for social influence; 2021, iScience. [Read] *Equal contribution
  • Hemed E., Mark-Tavger I., Hertz U., Bakbani-Elkayam S., Eitam B.; Automatically controlled: Task irrelevance fully cancels otherwise automatic imitation; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2021. [Read]
  • Hertz U., Bell V., Raihani N.; Trusting and learning from others: immediate and long-term effects of learning from observation and advice; Porceedings of the Royal Society B, 2021. [Read]
  • Kozakevich Arbel E., Shamay-Tsoory S.,Hertz U.;Adaptive Empathy : Empathic Response Selection as a Dynamic, Feedback-Based Learning Process; Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021. [Read]
  • Zacharopoulos G., Hertz U., Kanai R., Bahrami B.; The effect of feedback valence and source on perception and metacognition: An fMRI investigation;Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020. [Read]
  • Hertz U., Bell V., Barnby J., McQuillin A., Bahrami B.; The communication of metacognition for social strategy in psychosis: an exploratory study; Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 2020. [Read]
  • Hertz U.,Tyropoulou E.,Traberg C., Bahrami B.; Self-Competence Increases the Willingness to Pay for Social Influence; Scientific Reports, 2020. [Read]
  • Cohen N., Hertz U.; Street-Level Bureaucrats' Social Value Orientation On and Off Duty; Public Administration Review, 2020. [Read].
  • Hertz U., Blakemore C., Frith C. D.;I haven’t a clue! Expectations based on repetitions and hints facilitate perceptual experience of ambiguous images; JEP:HPP, 2020. Read in [JEP:HPP] or [PsyArXiv].
  • Farmer H., Hertz U., Hamilton A.; The Neural Basis of Shared Preference Learning; SCAN, 2019. Read in [SCAN] or [Biorxiv].
  • Lachman I., Hadar I., Hertz U.; The Subjective Cost of Writing Reusable Code: The Case of Functions; CAiSE, 2019. [Read]
  • Hertz U., Bahrami B., Keramati M.; Stochastic satisficing account of choice and confidence in uncertain value-based decisions; PLoS ONE, 2018.[Read]
  • Hertz U., Palminteri S., Brunetti S., Olesen C., Frith C. D., Bahrami B.; Neural computations underpinning the strategic management of influence in advice giving; Nature Communications, 2017. [Read]
  • Hertz U., Kelly M, Rutledge R. B., Winston J., Wrigh N., Dolan R. J., Bahrami B.; Oxytocin Promotes Collective Decision Making; PLoS ONE, 2016. [Read]
  • Peer M., Abboud S., Hertz U, Amedi A., Arzy S.; Intensity-based masking of fMRI BOLD signal for improving functional connectivity measures; Human Brain Mapping, 2016. PMID:27018565
  • Hertz U., Romand-Monnier M., Kyriakopoulou K., Bahrami B.; Social Influence Protects Collective Decision Making from Equality Bias; JEP-HPP, 2016.PMID:26436525, or [here]
2015 and Earlier
  • Zeharia N., Hertz U., Flash T., Amedi A.; New Whole-body Sensory-Motor Gradients Revealed Using Phase-Locked Analysis and Verified using MVPA and Functional Connectivity; Journal of Neuroscience, 2015. PMID:25698725
  • Hertz U., Amedi A.; Flexibility and stability in sensory processing revealed using visual-to-auditory sensory substitution; Cerebral Cortex, 2014. PMID:24518756
  • Zeharia N., Hertz U., Flash T. Amedi A.; The negative BOLD homunculus and somatotopic information in the negative and positive BOLD signal in M1 and the SMA; PNAS, 2012. PMID:23086164
  • Striem- Amit E.*, Hertz U.*, Amedi A.; Extensive cochleotopic mapping of human auditory cortical fields obtained with phase-encoding fMRI; PLoS ONE, 2011. PMID:21448274. *Equal contribution.
  • Hertz U., Amedi A.; Disentangling unisensory and multisensory components in audiovisual integration using a novel multi-frequency fMRI spectral analysis; Neuroimage, 2010. PMID:20412861